People who work above ground or below ground often need fall protection. General Fire and Safety of Omaha offers fall protection gear and kits that include a multitude of items to protect your employees who face the hazard of free fall while working above ground, below ground, or in confined spaces. Find the right harnesses, devices, hardware, fall protection gear and kits at Omaha’s General Fire and Safety to ensure that your employees stay safe.
General Fire and Safety of Omaha offers full body harnesses that provide fall protection for use with rescue training gear, devices, and lanyards. They are used by rescue workers and by firefighters in precarious safety situations. They are used by rescue workers and by firefighters in precarious safety situations. As essential pieces of gear for rescue and industrial safety, full body harnesses provide all-over support for the worker or rescuer in the event of an emergency or dangerous work situation.
Energy-absorbing lanyards limit fall impact and are used when free-fall distance exceeds two feet. The energy absorber limits force on the body and on the anchor in the event of a free fall. These lanyards offer ideal protection from longer distance falls when stopping impact can be just as damaging as the fall itself.
Self-retracting devices provide an excellent alternative to shock-absorbing lanyards. Also called a fall limiter or personal fall limiter, self-retracting devices reduce the risk of hitting the ground or obstructions. Self-retracting devices require less than two feet to stop free falls, making them perfect for lower work heights and provide safety in areas with less fall clearance.
Anchorage connectors are designed for securing connecting lanyards and harnesses to an anchor location. Crucial for fall protection equipment, anchorage support provides the cornerstone of security.
General Fire and Safety of Omaha offers fall protection gear kits that provide all of the basic fall protection needs for construction workers and general maintenance people. All fall protection kits include a harness, lanyard and anchorage connector in an easy to store carrying bag. Pair convenience with safety by using one of these kits.
Rescue efforts and other jobs in tunnels, tanks, manholes, and other enclosed spaces present difficult challenges. Correct protective gear takes on added importance when the goal is providing swift, reliable rescue and preventing injuries on the job. Confined space entry kits, rescuer lanyards, material hoists, and manhole guards all play a part in successful efforts in confined spaces.
In the event of a rescue descent, products such as rescue ropes, rescue kits, and automatic ascenders and descenders become vital. These items ensure the safety of the rescuer as well as the person(s) needing assistance during rescue efforts.
Horizontal lifeline systems provide secure fall protection and secure rescue for surfaces like rooftops. A horizontal lifeline system minimizes deflection, requiring less fall clearance, and reduces the risk of a worker falling over an edge. In the event of a fall, the energy–absorbing load distribution ensures a safe connection to the roof structure while protecting the worker.