Omaha Polarized Safety Glasses & Equipment | General Fire & Safety

Safety Glasses

General Fire and Safety of Omaha offers you the best in polarized safety glasses. We carry MSA and Pyramex brands and offer many choices of each. Both are recognized as leaders in the industry when it comes to protection, style, and comfort. All products meet or exceed the highest industry safety standards.

Polarized Safety Glasses

Safety glasses are for more than simply blocking debris. The sun can have harmful effects on the retinas in your eyes. This is why General Fire and Safety of Omaha offers  polarized safety glasses that filter out the harmful rays from the sun while protecting your eyes from other dangerous material.

Eye Safety Is Important

We make sure that safety comes first for all of our products. Whatever your work or hobby, safety glasses are important for protecting the eye tissue that can be damaged by debris, stray particles and chemicals. Whether you need polarized, clear and color safety glasses, the best polarized safety glasses and safety equipment can be found at General Fire and Safety in Omaha.

Safety Glasses

General Fire and Safety is your one-stop shop for all of your fire equipment needs!

Call us today! 402-556-6100 | Ultimate Protection. Superior Service.