Omaha Fire Sprinkler Company | Extinguisher Inspection | GF&S

We’ve Moved!

13002 I Street
Omaha, NE 68137

  • fire extinguisher tag
  • Fire Sprinkler Systems
  • Fire Suppression System Inspections

General Fire and Safety is your one-stop shop for all of your fire equipment needs!

Call us today! 402-556-6100 | Ultimate Protection. Superior Service.

Our Services

General Fire and Safety offers the areas around Omaha fire extinguisher safety training, fire sprinkler services and inspections, fire hose testing, and much more.

Now in our new building at 13002 I St.

Building Exterior

About General Fire & Safety

General Fire & Safety has been keeping Omaha businesses and commercial structures safe for more than 50 years. From a simple fire extinguisher to full fire suppression systems, Omaha has trusted General Fire & Safety to provide top-of-the-line products, installation, and maintenance.

Our team consists of more than 40 service technicians in the greater Omaha area, including 24-hour on-call service. Each individual receives training that exceeds industry standards to ensure they’re well-informed on any topic you may have regarding your fire safety products and systems. This allows for the fastest, most efficient service possible for all of Omaha’s fire sprinklers, fire alarms, suppression systems, personal protective equipment, extinguishers, and more.

Are you starting a new business in a brand-new building? Call on General Fire & Safety to help you plan a fire safety system that fits the specific needs of your business, employees, and customers. Or maybe you have a well-established business, but you’re worried your fire protection systems are out of date. We can complete a full inspection of your current efforts, suggest any necessary updates, as well as be your trusted maintenance team to ensure all your products and systems work as they’re supposed to in the event of an emergency.

From Omaha’s fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems to eyewash stations and safety glasses, General Fire & Safety is your one-stop-shop for emergency fire and life safety products. We are proud to provide each and every maintenance, and system installation in Omaha.

Is Your Server Room Susceptible to Fire Damage?

Most businesses have a server. Regardless of the size of server your company uses it is imperative that the server stays functioning to operate normal business. Did you know that there is an option to protect against any downtime and save irreplaceable assets utilizing clean agent suppression system?

Fire Extinguisher Training

If a small fire starts in your office or work space, do you know that your nearest Fire Extinguisher is your first line of defense?

EST Mass Notification

Mass Notification is the hot, new trend in public safety and General Fire and Safety is leading the way in upgrading Fire Alarm Systems to meet new code requirements and client needs.

General Fire and Safety is your one-stop shop for all of your fire equipment needs!

Call us today! 402-556-6100 | Ultimate Protection. Superior Service.